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Coin Production Process

1. Melting

Image of Moving Picture
Moving Picture of 1. Melting

Coinage materials are melted in an electric furnace, and ingots are produced by a continuous casting machine.

Image of MeltingImage of Illustration of Melting

2. Hot Rolling & Cold Rolling

Image of Moving Picture
Moving Picture of 2. Hot Rolling & Cold Rolling

Ingots are heated in a soaking pit. While hot they are rolled out and made into coil shape. (Hot Rolling)
This is followed by rough and finish rolling to complete the rolled plates having the thickness of the coins to be produced. (Cold Rolling)

Image of Hot Rolling and Cold RollingImage of Illustration of Hot Rolling and Cold Rolling

3. Blanking

Image of Moving Picture
Moving Picture of 3. Blanking

Blank discs are punched from the finished plates. These are what we call "Engyo" (blanks).

Image of BlankingImage of Illustration of Blanking

4. Edging

Image of Moving Picture
Moving Picture of 4. Edging

To sharpen the images of coins, the peripheries of the blanks are edged. This is followed by annealing to soften the blanks.

Image of EdgingImage of Illustration of Edging

5. Coining & Inspecting

Image of Moving Picture
Moving Picture of 5. Coining

The obverse and reverse sides of the finished blanks are stamped with patterns, and edges are concurrently milled. Subsequently the pattern of each stamped coin is inspected, and imperfect products are taken out.

Image of CoiningImage of Illustration of Coining

6. Counting & Bagging

Image of Moving Picture
Moving Picture of 6. Inspecting

Accepted coins are strictly counted, then bagged.

Image of InspectingImage of Illustration of Inspecting

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